10 essential oil secrets for busy mums


10 essential oil secrets



Keeping your family happy, healthy and organised can feel like a constant battle as a busy mum. Fortunately, essential oils are there to support you! The below essential oil secrets are perfect for mums seeking more flow and calm in their home. We could share 100 of them, but we know you’re a busy mum and you don’t have all day.


Support your kids to sleep

When your little ones are restless at night, try diffusing Lavender oil before bedtime to help them wind down. You can also add a few drops to their pillowcase to support their sleep.


Create a little calm in your busy day

To help support your mood during the day, diffuse 1 - 2 drops of your favourite calming essential oil. Lavender, Cedarwood and Frankincense always work a treat for a serene, relaxing environment.


Restore your mental alertness

Feeling the afternoon slumber come on but the kids don’t want to take a nap? Peppermint works a treat to boost your energy. Simply mix 3 drops with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil and massage onto the soles of your feet.


Maintain a healthy immune system for the family

Diffuse a few drops of Lemon essential oil throughout your home to help support a healthy immune system. For an extra boost, simply mix 3 drops of On Guard (doTERRA Protective Blend) with 1 teaspoon of carrier oil and massage onto the soles of your feet. Use 1 drop if using on children.


Help your kids focus

Want your kids to focus at homework time? Add 3 drops of Peppermint or Rosemary to your diffuser to help them concentrate and stay alert.


Make early mornings easier to handle

If you’re feeling sleepy and struggling to wake up in the morning, try diffusing Peppermint oil to put some pep in your step. You can also rub a few drops on your temples for an invigorating morning wake up.


Support sore muscles from carrying your little ones

To support sore muscles from a long day, mix 2 drops of Marjoram, 2 drops of Lavender, and 2 drops of Peppermint with 3 teaspoons of carrier oil and gently rub into your back, neck and shoulders.


Keep the bathroom smelling fresh

Add 1 - 2 drops of Lemon or a citrus essential oil of your choice to the inside of your toilet paper roll. The beautiful scent will be released each time the roll spins.


Keep little hands clean

Kids are messy, but keeping their hands clean is easy with essential oils. Simply add 4 - 6 drops of Lavender and Tea Tree oil with filtered water to a small spray bottle. Keep it in your handbag when you’re on the run!


Add sparkle to your dishes

Add a few drops of Lemon essential oil to the soap dispenser in your dishwasher and you dishes will look as sparkly and shiny as they do on the TV ads. Watch out Wonder Woman!