Stacey Butler

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Hi I’m Stacey! I live just outside of Canberra with my husband and 2 gorgeous kiddies, Blake (3) and Milli (1). I have an amazing family and group of friends and we love going for weekends away in our caravan! I keep busy doing the book work for our family business and now also sharing my love for doTERRA.


What is your favourite oil and why?

So hard to choose just one, but I’d have to say Balance. I found myself often feeling anxious especially when i felt like I wouldn’t get through my never ending to do list! Applying balance has really helped me control my emotions and cope so much better. I also use it on my 3 year old to help him control his emotional outbursts and I’ve been amazed at the improvement and what I love is that he now asks for it!

How has your life changed since joining Inspired Collective?

I had no idea when I started using doTERRA just how much I would learn! I now make such better choices for the health and wellbeing of my family in a natural way through my use of oils. It’s given me a new passion and I’m loving sharing this with people.

Why doTERRA?

I love that I can be confident using doTERRA as I know they are the purest essential oils in the world. I also love the way they give back through their co-impact sourcing. This makes me feel great knowing that I’m supporting so many communities around the world.