Anita Den Baars

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I am a trained secondary teacher in PE and Health and mumma of one little boy that is coming up two. My husband and I live in rural foothills of Mid - Canterbury, NZ on a farm called Ruanui which my husband manages.
I am deeply passionate about fitness, the outdoors and all things wellbeing.
I have always had a passion for health and wellbeing, so when this opportunity came along and I fell in love with the oils I jumped on it. 

I have been looking for something more suited to our family life so that I can be there for my son when he needs me. The flexibility of the online wellness Biz opportunity doTERRA has given me has been life changing for our family.

What is your favourite oil and why?

Frankincense. I just love that it has so many uses and that if I have just this oil I can use it for most things that are going on with my family and me. I mainly use it on my wrists when I’m overwhelmed and feeling anxious, for its anti-aging skin properties and in the diffuser with lavender peace for sleep.

How has your life changed since joining Inspired Collective?

I can honestly say since I started with the Inspired Collective I have felt a new sense of purpose and vigour in my life.

The way this team is so overwhelmingly generous with their time and support has been a huge factor in my success so far.

Why doTERRA?

These products directly align with my passions and values around holistic health and wellness. It genuinely sets my soul a light to be able to spread this beautiful gift of the earth into homes and to give mumma's all around the world the power back in their homes around their families’ wellbeing.

The company is NEXT LEVEL kind and caring. They go out of their way to sort any issues and make sure you are happy.


Gabi Lawson

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Hi I am Gabi Lawson, married to my wonderful husband Tom and we have four gorgeous children aged between 3 and 8 who keep us busy! I love serving others in life, love and faith and I am loving sharing these wonderful oils and empowering others, especially women to care for themselves and place importance on our mental and physical wellbeing.

What is your favourite oil and why?

This is tough but my favourite has to be Balance. Every time I open that bottle I instantly feel calmer and more centred!

How has your life changed since joining Inspired Collective?

I love being a part of such a beautiful and genuine group of people. I have become more confident in who I am and the things that are important to me and feel like I am able to serve others with something meaningful and relevant by sharing doTERRA. My emotional and mental wellbeing has drastically improved as I have used the oils to heal and become happier in myself as well as having found my 'thing' which is sharing these amazing oils!

Why doTERRA?

doTERRA is amazing - the ethos of the company is so genuine and caring. I love everything doTERRA stands for - the service they provide to the communities in which they are involved is heart-warming and something I wish we could see more of in this world.


Courtney Flint

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Hi I’m Courtney. I am mum to Emmett (4) and Aubrey, Ellery and Cohen (2 year old triplets). My husband and I own and run a hot water, solar energy and heating company on the South Coast of NSW.  I love sports and exercise, and have a keen interest in the way food enables our bodies to thrive.  I was an English High School teacher for 14 years before starting our family.  I have realised my calling is not in education but in holistic health and, of course, in sharing essential oils!

It is my mission to create a low tox, happy, healthy home for our family and to help others to live their best life.  I have a passion for women’s health and well-being, and I love championing women to push their boundaries and achieve their dreams.

What is your favourite oil and why?

Hands down Frankincense closely followed by Balance. I love the versatility of Frankincense and use it in nearly everything I do! I take it internally daily, use it in my beauty routine, rub it on the kids before bed and feature it in almost every diffuser blend I make. I love Balance because when the kids get crazy, I pop it on and they calm down straight away. Anything that gives me a moment of peace or a pause from breaking up endless fighting is a winner in my book!!

How has your life changed since joining Inspired Collective?

My whole life has changed! Our emotional, mental and physical health and well-being have changed dramatically. I have met some incredible people and my outlook in life and how I approach it have transformed. I no longer wait for life to unfold- I attack it with fervour!

Why doTERRA?

Before I enrolled I had no idea what dōTERRA was or what they were about. I truly believe I was led here for a reason and I fell in love with the company straight away. I am passionate about social justice, so the charity works and sustainable sourcing methods really inspire me. dōTERRA are changing lives in so many ways. This company is making waves and I am on board to help make change in the world, one drop at a time!


Stephanie Batho

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I live in Perth, Western Australia and grew up in Melbourne. I am a Mother of two young girls and strive to lead a fit and healthy lifestyle. I love to exercise, I am passionate about fuelling our bodies with healthy foods and reducing the amount of toxins in our home.

What is your favourite oil and why?

I love Peace which is the reassuring blend. Being a mum, dealing with sleep deprivation and the general busyness of life can make me feel emotionally depleted and often overwhelmed and anxious. I always have a Peace roller on me so I can roll it onto my pulse points, roll it onto the palms of my hands and take several deep breaths which helps to remind me to be still in that very moment, catch my breath and then keep going. I also love using this beautiful blend on my girls.

How has your life changed since joining Inspired Collective?

This has been nothing short of a life changing opportunity - it is remarkable how supportive and encouraging the team that makes up the Inspired Collective are. It is such a unique experience to be surrounded by people who share information and genuinely want you to succeed. I am so grateful!

Why doTERRA?

So many reasons but first and foremost, their sustainably sourced products are superior and speak for themselves when you put them to use - they change lives and give support when you need it the most... incredible that one drop of oil can make such a HUGE impact! That is because doTERRA oils are pure and natural and contain no synthetic fillers.



Sofia Potente

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I'm a passionate mum on a mission - to inspire others to detox their homes and lives, and support their wellbeing naturally. My business, The Natural Switch, aims to teach and empower women about healthy living - and of course a key aspect of that is using essential oils. 

I discovered these amazing oils through our health journey with my youngest son, who had severe gut issues. After a year of struggle, we turned to a holistic natural approach which was a life changer. I'm now an advocate for natural living and can talk your ear off about all things wellness related - which is why I love running classes!

By training, I'm a public health researcher, a published author and have managed health promotion and cancer prevention programs for over 12 years. 

Work aside -hanging out with my boys, dancing, being outdoors, obsessively listening to podcasts and being in good company are amongst my favourite things.

What is your favourite oil and why?

Ooh just one?? I'm loving Wild Orange and Console at the moment - because they are uplifting and comforting. My Reiki practitioner recommended Console for me - so I've been using that one like crazy since!

How has your life changed since joining Inspired Collective?

Since our journey with my son, I've always been motivated about sharing the healthy living message. But joining the Inspired Collective gave me the structure, systems and support that I needed to be able to achieve results. Joining the team gave me more direction and clarity, and the tools to be able to empower people to take control of their health, using oils. I'm also seeing the financial benefits for my business and I'm excited for what the future holds for our family!

Why doTERRA?

Because they are the best oils in the world! Coming from a public health research background, using evidence based oils and knowing they are safe and effective is important to me. I love that doTERRA oils are independently scientifically tested for potency and purity, and are the most extensively studied brand in the world. I also love the ethics and values of the brand in giving back and making a difference in disadvantaged communities around the world.



Stacey Butler

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Hi I’m Stacey! I live just outside of Canberra with my husband and 2 gorgeous kiddies, Blake (3) and Milli (1). I have an amazing family and group of friends and we love going for weekends away in our caravan! I keep busy doing the book work for our family business and now also sharing my love for doTERRA.


What is your favourite oil and why?

So hard to choose just one, but I’d have to say Balance. I found myself often feeling anxious especially when i felt like I wouldn’t get through my never ending to do list! Applying balance has really helped me control my emotions and cope so much better. I also use it on my 3 year old to help him control his emotional outbursts and I’ve been amazed at the improvement and what I love is that he now asks for it!

How has your life changed since joining Inspired Collective?

I had no idea when I started using doTERRA just how much I would learn! I now make such better choices for the health and wellbeing of my family in a natural way through my use of oils. It’s given me a new passion and I’m loving sharing this with people.

Why doTERRA?

I love that I can be confident using doTERRA as I know they are the purest essential oils in the world. I also love the way they give back through their co-impact sourcing. This makes me feel great knowing that I’m supporting so many communities around the world.


Natalie Somer

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I am 33 and a mum of 3, I live in Ipswich, Queensland and have done so all my life. I have only ever left Queensland once and that was only this year. I love my family, going to church, holidays, the beach, pedicures, the rainforest and of course our precious dōTERRA oils.


What is your favourite oil and why?

Hands down Frankie!! Has helped me tremendously with my crazy anxiety.

How has your life changed since joining Inspired Collective?

It's definitely a wonderful group of uplifting and encouraging people who make you feel inspired and supported.

Why doTERRA?

Ha! Of course dōTERRA. The purity - HUGE!! And the way they give back, it’s hands down absolutely amazing and I would never be anywhere other than DōTERRA. I love everything about dōTERRA and their values.


Kelly Booker

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Hi, I’m Kelly! I am a wife, mother of three and a teacher. I lead a very busy life juggling family, teaching and doTERRA. doTERRA has become a huge passion of mine. I love being able to help others and connect them to this life changing way of living. I now enjoy living a low-tox lifestyle and feel empowered to know that I can help my family at any time.


What is your favourite oil and why?

Balance is my all time favourite - I use it on everyone in our house to help keep feelings of calm and balance.

How has your life changed since joining Inspired Collective?

I have found a new direction for my life, one I am passionate about.

Why doTERRA?

doTERRA have amazing products that I know are safe for my whole family. It is a company full of integrity and light in a world that sometimes can seem dark. Being a part of this company makes me feel as though I am part of REAL change and hope.


Katie Brice

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I'm a stay at home mum with two cool kids and a very hard working husband. I was drawn to doTERRA to assist my son with sleep and from there I have developed a huge passion for providing anyone who will listen access to these wonderful products.

What is your favourite oil and why?

My favourite oil is On Guard. We use this oil daily!! Love the way it smells and how it protects my family. Use the hand soap, toothpaste, washing liquid and cleaning concentrate! SO WONDERFUL!

How has your life changed since joining Inspired Collective?

Honestly, my life has changed in so many ways! I feel more calm, more positive, more in tune and so so blessed! I love how I can offer assistance and change other people's lives as well.

Why doTERRA?

WHY DOTERRA!?! How is that a question!? Such a supportive and ethical company. Outstanding products that are legit and so versatile. I'm in love!



Amanda Counihan

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I am a mum of 2 beautiful boys, and work full-time as a Sales Account Manager for a big insurance company.  I love helping people, this is my purpose in life.  Finding the oils has allowed me to follow this path and do something I love. I love how the oils have changed mine and my family's life. If i can do this anyone can!!

What is your favourite oil and why?

Balance.  It is just beautiful, the smell and the way it grounds you. Everytime I smell it I just melt.

How has your life changed since joining Inspired Collective?

Wow, roller roaster. My life has done a 360 turn.  I love everything about the oils. I can't believe the opportunity there is in just sharing and doing what you love. I am changing my life and the life of my family.

Why doTERRA?

Why not?? What an amazing company!  I 100% believe in their values and am so proud to be part of it.


Holly Pauro

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I’m a proud mum of 5 (with triplets in the mix), wifey and an essential oil mover and shaker.

This beautiful team and business started from a place of self love for my family. When my kids were unwell, I went searching for natural and safe solutions that I could feel confident would heal them back to health. When I received my oils I began to mix these little bottles of natural wisdom which I didn’t know at the time, would completely change my life! Naturally, I wanted to tell my friends and family all about the oils and the word quickly spread. As a stay at home mum, sharing my knowledge and passion for the oils gave me a new sense of purpose and a mission to help others change their world too.

These little bottles of bliss truly sparked a light in my soul, and I was hooked.

It didn’t take me long to grasp the incredible business opportunity that came with the oils. Being able to share the power and magic of the oils with people in my community was the perfect blend of passion meets connection.

My hand on heart mission is to create an unbreakable ripple effect that supports future generations to heal and nourish themselves and their families with the wild wisdom of our beautiful earth.

Favourite Oil and Why?

Oh this is a hard one... I have so many favourites. 

I think ill have to go with Motivate or Melissa.

Motivate really is like a kick up the butt to get stuff done, it helps me get to the gym + through all my jobs in my busy day

Melissa helps me get clear on my direction in biz & life and this amazing oil has helped so many of my team find their purpose with doTERRA. Love this oil!

How has my life changed since being part of Inspired Collective?

Oh My Gosh - where do I even start! 

When I started Inspired Collective, I knew I wanted to create a team that embraced all walks of life - the changemakers, trailblazers and heart-led men & women on a mission.

We may all be unique, but we share a common goal of using the oils to create an impact in the lives of the individuals and families we connect with. As I started mixing and moving amongst people who share like-minded values about natural health, I knew I’d found my tribe. 

Since being a part of Inspired Collective I've discovered my inner strengths and this little stay at home mum transformed into a happy, purpose-driven business owner!

I'm forever grateful for my new found family. As a team we lift each other up, help each other to reconnect with our inner strengths and we cultivate a community that makes each one feel supported, inspired and part of a collective of people who have everyone's back.

Why doTERRA?

The choice for me was simple - doTERRA oils are the highest therapeutic grade oils in the world and I only wanted the best for my family. Gentle care and patience are at the heart of these little bottles of magic, as the oils are extracted by experienced growers around the world at the exact perfect time.

Not only did I fall wildly in love with the oils, I was even more humbled by the bigger picture approach that doTERRA take towards contributing to a healthy and flourishing country. With their potent and pure product, sustainable harvesting approach and their foundation Healing Hands, I knew this was a company I could really get behind.

The extremely generous compensation plan was the icing on the cake.


Kate Berry

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I'm Katie. I am 31 years old. I have a 5 year old son (Matias) and have been best friends with my partner Dave for 11 years. I am originally from a small town called Woolgoolga north of Coffs Harbour in NSW. I moved to Newman WA 3 years ago after doing FIFO life for 4 years. I run a home based business tie dying with non-toxic dye. I was looking for natural ways to clean and to eliminate germs from my home and dōTERRA won me over the moment i smelt On Guard. I am hooked!

What is your favourite oil and why?

That is a hard question as i love every oil ... I would have to say Cedarwood at this moment. I apply it on my chest every night before bed. It relaxes my whole body and clears my thoughts so i sleep better.

How has your life changed since joining Inspired Collective?

Being a part of Inspired Collective has set myself and my family up for a healthy future.  Everything has changed for the better! I have formed great relationships with people who are like-minded about natural therapy and they have given me the confidence to step up and share.

Why doTERRA?

My reason for choosing dōTERRA was easy because it is a company with Integrity and it makes a difference (Healing Hands).  They provide education for those wanting to learn and use essential oils but also I absolutely love the smell of the oils.



Lee Miller

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I'm a proud mumma to 2 awesome teenage children, 3 free range house bunnies and I have an incredibly supportive, kind and funny husband, Paul who is a total oil lover! We started using the oils last year when I was in search of a natural and healthier way to help support my family and our individual health concerns. I was tired of living such a toxic lifestyle and things had to change. The oils have certainly improved our overall well being and have provided such positive experiences and self empowerment which are so important for our children.

What is your favourite oil and why?

Wow, I don't know if I can pick just one!  Balance, Lavender Peace & Easy Air would have to be the oils that have had the most impact in our family.  But there truly are so many incredible oils that this list could just keep growing!

How has your life changed since joining Inspired Collective?

The oils and this beautiful group of amazing souls have helped me find my purpose and have put me on such a happier and healthier path in my life. The support is like no other. The vibe and the down to earth connections are something I wish for everyone to experience...I just love it!

Why doTERRA?

I love all that dōTERRA stands for. Changing the lives of others all over the world whether it be through the use of oils for physical and emotional health and well being or helping provide financial freedom to many people.  The Co-Impact Sourcing makes such a positive impact on farmers and their families and the Healing Hands Foundation is so wonderful. It's important to me to be a part of a company that believes in quality, service and making a difference.


Angelene Hepi-Eynon

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My name is Ange Eynon, I am from one of the most beautiful parts of the world, Whangaruru NZ.  I am a mum of 3 children, and with the help of my husband I manage to work around our busy lives, our family business, my business, and doTERRA. 

I came across these oils when we absolutely needed them.  We have grown from last winter and have never looked back.

What is your favourite oil and why?

I have many, but my all-time favourite is Peppermint.   I use this often for head tension.  I love the purity of it, what it does, and all that it stands for. 

How has your life changed since joining Inspired Collective?

Since being introduced to doTERRA my life has immensely changed and now I want to put my family's wellness/health first.

Why doTERRA?

I love the quality of the product along with the ethos of doTERRA.  Another big one for me is the co-impact sourcing model, supporting local communities, and the sustainability program that doTERRA has in place.


Amber Sky

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My name is Amber and I'm a 34 year old mum from Perth WA. I live north of the river with my husband of 14 years, Leif, and my 3 kids: Chevy (13), Sienna (12) and Hudson (9). I currently work at ECU in an office that centres around health research which is really interesting. I've always been drawn to doing things more natural and low tox from making sure we have pure filtered water to drink to using cloth diapers for my kids when they were babies.

What is your favourite oil and why?

My favorite oil at the moment is Copiaba. It is such a powerful oil. Since I started using this on myself and my youngest we have had more stable emotions, NO more highs and lows! I have also been sleeping better than I ever have!!

How has your life changed since joining Inspired Collective?

I've found a place where I belong, a group of like-minded souls who are there daily to support each other even when they are busy with their own families and lives. There is no question too big or too small to ask. It's really like a big group if sisters who have my back!

Why doTERRA?

I have so many reasons why but I'll give my top 2: 

1. Sourcing. They source the oils so that it had the most minimal environmental impact, they support and give back to communities in need AND they make sure the oils are grown in places where they have the most therapeutic properties.

2. Balance. Balance oil had me hooked. It came at a time when I was desperate to help my 2 youngest who were struggling with anxious feelings. IT WAS LIFE CHANGING. Now I need ALL the oils!!!


Jaime Penei

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Hello, my name is Jaime. I'm a wife and mother of three beautifully busy children. I live in Christchurch, New Zealand in the seaside community of New Brighton. I have a nature loving family so we love to get away camping, fishing & surfing. I love inspiring people to reach for natural alternatives when possible.

What is your favourite oil and why?

Oh really, I only get to pick one? I'm torn between balance & frank, but I'll have to go with frankincense as I love its effects on the mind, body & soul.

How has your life changed since joining Inspired Collective?

My life has changed immensely. I feel empowered as a mother now that I have these products from the earth at my finger tips. Knowing I'm using something natural on my children, watching them follow in my foot steps to come ask for oils, and knowing that they are safe, effective & natural products we can use when the time arises just warm my heart. The support amongst the inspired collective is above & beyond. I feel extremely blessed to be a part of it.

Why doTERRA?

The more I learn about doTERRA the more & more I love their company & products. The support & income they bring to developing country's is so amazing! They really are one of the most passionate & ethical company's I have came across & I am proud to be apart of it.


Michele Gray

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After ten plus years as a designer, my partner and I decided it was time to start a family.  As a new mum I was suddenly faced with making decisions on what products I use for my baby. I started exploring doTERRA and found many ways of treating our baby girl naturally.  I have since discovered many other uses for these amazing oils.  I have returned to the design industry part time and am juggling working, sharing my love for doTERRA and being a mum. 

Life's pretty busy. But I have an oil for that!

What is your favourite oil and why?

That's a hard one. But I think I would have to say peppermint. I love inhaling it to clear my sinuses as well as my head. It helps me stay focused or re focus throughout my busy day.

How has your life changed since being part of Inspired Collective?

It's changed dramatically for the better. I love having natural solutions to so many things at my finger tips as well as the continued support and learning tools available through being part of the Inspired Collective.

Why dōTERRA?

Pure goodness!


Toni Ata

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Hi, I'm Toni.  Happily married Mum to 2 young adults  Originally from New Zealand but have been living in Gorgeous Perth for 25 years. My husband & I love to travel & spend time with friends & family.  I am passionate about dōTERRA & love both gaining & sharing oily knowledge.

What is your favourite oil and why?

On Guard is my favourite oil. This oil has totally changed my health & well-being. I suffered with Glandular Fever for about 4yrs, on & off but mostly on. I started rolling On Guard on my feet morning & night, detoxified my household by using On Guard for cleaning, washing my hands & brushing my teeth & I haven't had swollen glands in over 5 months now & that is huge!

How has your life changed since being part of Inspired Collective?

'This is an empowerment business wrapped up in an oil business.' Being a part of the Inspired Collective encompasses that motto completely.  It is so positive, uplifting, genuinely supportive & I'm blessed to be a part of this great team. The Inspired Collective is empowering me to see the amazing potential in myself that was always there. It just needed nurturing. ️

Why doTERRA?

Not only because dōTERRA oils are pure, safe & effective. But also because of their ethics & social awareness. dōTERRA as a company genuinely care about the impact they have on the world but especially on the empowerment of women.


Tracey Coulthard

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Hi I am Tracey.  I am the wife of a gorgeous husband that I treasure so much, mum to 3 beautiful sons, all in their mid to late twenties, and have a delicious black lab called Louie. Living well is extremely important to me, especially over the last 7 years since being diagnosed with primary progressive MS. With this I have learnt I have to be the captain of my ship. Therefore, what I put in, on and around my body is key to well being along with other holistic activities such as good vegan diet with fish, mindfulness, drawing and exercise.  I don't want to just be in the normal range of health and wellness. I want to be optimal so I can laugh, share and live all that life brings to me and my family.

What is your favourite oil and why?

I actually have lots of favourite oils.  They all benefit and support my body today. However, in particular, my favourite is Balance. It brings mindfulness, calm, tranquility and relaxation. All key elements for my well being.

How has your life changed since being part of Inspired Collective?

I have just finished working full time after 25 years as a tertiary teacher wherein I coordinated and taught tourism and travel studies. Life this year has therefore changed immensely for me as I have had to put my health first. Having been a giver for years, supporting young adults on their pathway, this was not an easy decision.  However, I have now found a renewed sense of purpose. A journey that has me supporting my family, friends and the wider community. I just love it and could not be happier.

Why doTERRA?

I love all the doTERRA stands for--quality, co-impact sourcing, sustainability, healing hands and the way of sharing their products.


Floss Rogers


Grateful to be where I am in this world today! Family first. Fifo family and a stay at home mum to two beautiful boys. Love sports, farming, fishing being outdoors and family time.

What is your favourite oil and why?

On Guard is my all time fav! The aroma no matter what mood I am in, brings me to my grounding 

How has your life changed since being part of Inspired Collective?

I love getting positive vibes from Inspired collective and being surrounded by empowering women.

Why doTERRA?

Because I was a skeptic until I tried them? And the product spoke for itself. I still do the "wow" it really does work!